How Google Plans On Replacing Android With Fuschia OS
You probably don't need telling that Android is a very powerful and versatile operating system but Google is working on something that might end up as the direct replacement - Fuschia.

In this post, I'll be explaining why Fuschia may actually replace Android
Kernels are the core of any operating system, they provide the basic mechanisms around which the os can be built. A lot of the problems Android faces today is as a result of the fact it was built around the linux kernel whicj was not originally intended for it.
As a matter of fact, Android OS was originally meant for digital cameras so on it's core it isn't exactly specialized for what a smartphone should do
So what about Fuschia?
Fuschia is based on a completely different Kernel with 2 key benefits.
1. It is designed with the smart connected feature in mind
2. It's more specific in its code and can be built on a wide range of devices
This kernel is called Zircon .
So what's the benefit ?
The reason that Fuschia is powerful is that this kernel runs on completely everything from phones abd TVs to Fridges and traffic lights.
One OS for everything. As more devices enter people's homes, this would mean seamless integration among devices.
Your music could switch to your speaker when you enter a room and continue in your car when you get in.
Also Fuschia would be built around the idea of voice commands. Less tapping , More talking.
Fuschia would also solve one of the major problems of Android which is Fragmentation.
Fragmentation is the reason most Android phones don't perform as well as their hardware is capable of.
This exists because Android is a bit of a mess. It has software, kernel and drivers all working together in a slightly different configuration on each device.
That's why Google just can't push an update to any device out there. These 3 aspects have to be decoupled manually.
Google has little control of how users experience Android on 95% of phones.
This is a problem because these OEMs don't have an incentive to keep your device updated. They prefer you get a new device if you want to upgrade so they can make more money.
Fuschia is cleaner built with updates in mind. Fuschia would help Google regain control of the end user software experience.
Fuschia is also written on the Flutter software development kit which is important because this runs on Android too. This would make sure Android apps run on it. You don't expect Google to start from scratch with the already vast library of apps and games available.
So the big question -
When will Fuschia Replace Android?
Considering that brands always make the 10th version of their products seem like the peak of their current product line. Android 10 might be replaced by Fuschia OS.
If it's not, then we should be looking at the next couple of years.

In this post, I'll be explaining why Fuschia may actually replace Android
Kernels are the core of any operating system, they provide the basic mechanisms around which the os can be built. A lot of the problems Android faces today is as a result of the fact it was built around the linux kernel whicj was not originally intended for it.
As a matter of fact, Android OS was originally meant for digital cameras so on it's core it isn't exactly specialized for what a smartphone should do
So what about Fuschia?
Fuschia is based on a completely different Kernel with 2 key benefits.
1. It is designed with the smart connected feature in mind
2. It's more specific in its code and can be built on a wide range of devices
This kernel is called Zircon .
So what's the benefit ?
The reason that Fuschia is powerful is that this kernel runs on completely everything from phones abd TVs to Fridges and traffic lights.
One OS for everything. As more devices enter people's homes, this would mean seamless integration among devices.
Your music could switch to your speaker when you enter a room and continue in your car when you get in.
Also Fuschia would be built around the idea of voice commands. Less tapping , More talking.
Fuschia would also solve one of the major problems of Android which is Fragmentation.
Fragmentation is the reason most Android phones don't perform as well as their hardware is capable of.
This exists because Android is a bit of a mess. It has software, kernel and drivers all working together in a slightly different configuration on each device.
That's why Google just can't push an update to any device out there. These 3 aspects have to be decoupled manually.
Google has little control of how users experience Android on 95% of phones.
This is a problem because these OEMs don't have an incentive to keep your device updated. They prefer you get a new device if you want to upgrade so they can make more money.
Fuschia is cleaner built with updates in mind. Fuschia would help Google regain control of the end user software experience.
Fuschia is also written on the Flutter software development kit which is important because this runs on Android too. This would make sure Android apps run on it. You don't expect Google to start from scratch with the already vast library of apps and games available.
So the big question -
When will Fuschia Replace Android?
Considering that brands always make the 10th version of their products seem like the peak of their current product line. Android 10 might be replaced by Fuschia OS.
If it's not, then we should be looking at the next couple of years.
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