Dealing with Anxiety and Worries
Song Recommendation YOU ARE SICK … If you are reading this line it means you understand “ that nobody ever die of insort” and you didn’t close the brief in anger. I would explain the very insulting opening paragraph with total faith that you would have been cured of your ailment when you are done reading this brief ( yet another insort ) but first, let me tell you about my week I work with a company where nobody gives a flying donkey how many years of experience you have. They’d give you projects that require a decent number of years of experience & expertise and budgets to the tune of millions of Naira and then you are required to build castles in the sky. When you complain that it ( building a castle in the sky) isn’t realistic they’d tell you and prove to you that it has been done before ( Stay with me I am getting somewhere) . A nice way to describe my first project is -It failed. All the millions of Naira invested entered the bush. I was told to r...