I Will Deport Nigerians, Africans Without Papers In Italy" - Toni Iwobi

Against all odds, against the political permutations of Italian politics, Italy has elected its first black senator, a Nigerian immigrant who is a member of the country’s far-right, anti-immigrant League party. Toni Iwobi, the head of the party’s immigration department, was elected on Sunday (March 4) in Brescia, an industrial city in northern Italy. His election didn’t go down well with some people who slammed his choice to work against his own fellow immigrants. Iwobi’s party is an anti-immigrant party that has campaigned vigorously against the integration of African immigrants in the past. His party has explored several means whereby the influx of African immigrants into Italy can be halted Iwobi, 62, came to Italy in the 1970s on a student visa, got married to his Italian wife and became a councilor for the party in 1995. Iwobi said that he wasn’t against immigration but that he wanted people to travel to Italy. However the first black senator vowed to deport all immigran...