The Best Chest Workout Routine For Men (9 Keys To More)
There are plenty of articles out there that will claim to show you the best chest workout routine of all time. Trust me, I’ve seen them, and the vast majority are crap . That’s why I’ve decided to do something a little different in this article. Actually, I’m going to do three things: First, I’m going to show you the WORST chest workout routine that men typically use. Then, I’m going to show you 9 factors that actually make a chest workout effective. And finally, I’m going to provide you with some example workouts that put it all together. Let the fun begin… Here’s The WORST Chest Workout What better way to show the best version of something than by first showing an example of the worst version… and then laughing at it ? So, without further ado, here’s a slightly exaggerated version of what most intelligent people would consider to be the worst possible way to train for building a bigger chest. The Typical “Chest D...