Uche Maduagwu Slams Daddy Freeze For Buying JAMB For A Nairalander In 2012

Nollywood actor, Uche just won't stop now, will he?

Uche Maduagwu has again come for OAP Daddy Freeze after the latter shared a post

https://www.instagram.com/p/Bbd4TNinBWQ/?taken-by=daddyfreezefrom a young man he helped acquire JAMB form back in 2012. (See Story here


Uche of course felt Freeze was bragging and lashed out at the controversial media personality. Daddy Freeze no go even look Uche Face.

Read his post below;Your shame is overrated... @daddyfreeze This is why people don't take you seriously. Your mates are giving scholarship, you are boasting about a Jamb form you bought for someone since 2012 @daddyfreeze seriously, how can someone be boasting on #instagram that he bought Jamb form for another since 2012?

 So you didnt even bother paying his fees in school? Shame overrated... Is that something to boast of?

 So with all those expensive wrist watches that you

 #post on your page, this is the best you could do to helping Nigerians, I've also bought Jamb forms for people, but do I boast about it?

No.... well, for your information, the pastors you criticize on a daily basis, have given scholarship to hundreds of youths in Nigeria, i heard Bishop Oyedepo has given over one thousand people scholarship in the last two years, it is widely reported that Apostle Suleman this year gave over four hundred people scholarship, so before you come out to say some people are eating our #TITHES, do your home work. Mr jamb form.


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