Is Abortion the same thing as Murder ?

I was pondering this morning about murder , you know , with all the disturbing front page articles on murder and the gruesome pictures shown. I started thinking , how can people be so heartless and lacking in empathy to the extent of not just killing a fellow being but doing so in a manner that is savagely barbaric. These murderers must have mental health issues, anger problems or just plain evil built into their DNA.

Following this thinking, I began to wonder, but what about abortion, is it murder and if yes, is there a difference between a murderer who kills a grown man or woman, and someone who aborts a fetus.

Few things to consider about the Fetus

- The fetus is in a sort of oblivious state of being as it pertains to consciousness
- The fetus is not fully formed as a human being, so perhaps may not yet be a human being
- The fetus may be the result of a rape or unintended consequences ( such as intercourse between two careless people )
- The fetus may possess a deformity that if allowed to fully mature will result in a life of pain.

But there are some similarities between abortion and murder

- They are both premeditated
- They are both done for selfish reasons
- They both have expected and unintended consequences.

Considering this brief narrative, what do you think,

- Is abortion on the same level of evil as murder
- Is there a special case where abortion is permissible
- Is abortion is not murder regardless ?


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