"This Is Why No Woman Should Trust Her Man With Any Lady"

"When it comes to woman,i trust my man" is one of the most laughable statement that can ever come from a woman.

We read everyday of how men sleep with their maids, friends of their wives/partners...some even take it to another level by sleeping with their cousins,nieces and even their own daughters,step daughters...

The men of GOD are not left out as we read always of how pastors sleep with their members and wives of their members...we see viral intimacy videos of pastors and their girlfriends and we have seen several occasions where pastors are divorced by their WIVES as a result of adultery...and i can continue endlessly to write about the never ending tales of men crossing the line all because of their uncontrollable passion for women.

The wisest man that ever lived in this world King Solomon got so confused about this so much that he said in Proverbs 30:18-19 ►
"There are three things that are too amazing for me, the fourth I do not understand:1.the way of an eagle in the sky, 2.the way of a snake on a rock, 3.the way of a ship on the high seas, and 4.the way of a man with a young woman.

Even the fallen angels or sons of GOD as written in Genesis 6:1–4 who were not mortals could not be trusted with the daughters of men so much that they took them as wives and gave birth to giants.

So I have come to a viable conclusion that the reason no woman should trust her man with any lady is a mystery beyond human reasoning...it is an issue nobody can ever understand.

This write up is not about justifying or promoting sexual recklessness in men but as I always do...I KEEP IT REAL
 ...fornication and adultèry are hell bound acts.Indiscriminate sex with different women is a self destructive act every man must avoid.

But no matter how your man claims to love you, no matter the promise he makes to remain sexually faithful to you alone, no matter the level of spirituality of that man of GOD or general overseer, you can believe him and hope he stays true to his promise but NEVER AND I REPEAT...
NEVER EVER TRUST ANY MAN WITH ANY LADY...even the type of lady you can never in your wildest imagination think he could fall for.

It takes a special grace for a man to be very disciplined when it comes to his passion towards a woman. I urge every woman to always take precautions and also pray for her man. And to all the disciplined men out there i pray that GOD gives you more strength to remain strong and may GOD also help all men who are striving hard to be disciplined.

I hope this makes sense.


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