5 Reasons Why You Are Still A Single Guy or Single Lady

Being in a healthy relationship is a great thing. If you are a guy or lady and you are not in a relationship then here are five reasons why you could be single and how to get your game up.

1. You are not taking action

If you are a guy or lady of dating age and you are still single today then one of the reasons could be that you are not taking action. All you do is sit around, feel sorry for yourself and simply dream of how much better your life would be if you had a girlfriend or boyfriend. But note, sitting, dreaming and wishing would amount to nothing except if you take the action steps that are necessary toget you in a relationship. If there is a girl or guy you like then you need to ask him or her. Chat or PM her if she/he is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Nairaland and if she says “YES” or gives green light then get his/her mobile number, call, text and schedule a date. This is necessary and there is no way around it, therefore, take action now and get your dream lady.

2. Your looks

The second reason why you are still single is that of your looks. By your looks here, I’m not referring to your genetic makeup like your height and skin color. I’m referring to two things which you have absolute control over. The two are your looks and style. Fitness has today becomes so mainstream that if you are not lifting weights then you are going to step below all the other guys who are in the gym putting in work so they look great. The benefits of being physically fit is far above physical looks but it has great impacts on your health and mental wellbeing as such, you should take it seriously even if it’s not getting a lady. Aside from physical fitness, your style also hasa great role to play in relation to how to get a lady. You definitely have to appear neat, have aclean haircut with a clean beard cut (if you are the type that likes bears). Have your clothes properly washed and ironed and wear friendly cologne. The good thing about looking great is that it also boosts your general self-confidence.

3. You have no option

Some guys have the tendency of having themselves hooked around one girl even when the girl is not showing any signs of wanting to date them. They go on fantasying their lives with this virtual girlfriend with the hope that she would turn around and date them in reality and when that doesn’t come to fruition, they get demoralized and write themselves off. They refer themselves and build a resistant wall between them and other cute and attractive ladies around. If you are one of such then let that girl go off your mind and go for another cute lady around.

4. No mission

Girls are naturally going to be attracted to guyswho are passionately pursuing something in their lives. For example, I’m passionate about technology and the society. I have people who are passionate about music; others are passionate about education and many more. These are the kind of guys girls want to date and not just a guy living a random life around every day. Ask yourself, what are you super passionate about? If you don’t find something you are super passionate about and wish to beknown for then I challenge you to pick something and just go all-in on it. Don’t forget to share in the comment below.

5. Limiting beliefs

To wrap it all for today, I want you to know that your belief system controls what happens in your life. All that I have mentioned above would not work if you do not believe and act upon it. Do not come up with excuses like I don’t have money, I don’t have a car; I’m not from here or there. Do not disqualify yourself from getting your dream girl and any other good thing in life.

What else do you think is necessary to get a cute girl? comment and share


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