A young adventurous Nigerian from Irua, in Edo State, has narrated how he was driven by poverty to sell his kidney for the sum of N15million in Malaysia. The man, identified simply as Abu, said he had travelled to Kuala Lumpur in 2008 in search of greener pastures, when he ran intosome Malaysians, who told him he could make good money by parting with one of his kidneys. According to one of his associates, Sam Otarumene, who spoke to Sunday Telegraph, Abu was introduced to some medical agents in Malaysia who briefed him about the “business” and allayed his fears that he could die.“He was told he could survive on one kidney, and was also assured that he had nothing to lose. Within a few days, some tests were conducted on him, and his organs were certified healthy,” Otarumene said. Upon completion of the test, he was allegedly told he would be paid in Malaysian Ninggit, which when converted to Naira amounted to N20million. But the agents insisted on receiving 25 per cent of the su...