Sex Before Marriage

Want to know God’s perfect will concerning sex before marriage or premarital sex?
Want a simple explanation of what it means to fornicate?
Well this is as simple as we can make it…
God’s will and instruction is that you not have sex before marriage. The term fornicate describes your disobedience to this instruction.
See, I told you it was simple. Were you expecting something a bit more complicated like a theological explanation of premarital sex?
Well beloved, there’s nothing complicated about God’s plan for your life.
It only feels complicated when you entertain thoughts of disobedience.
“But we’re in love; and we’re going to be married soon anyway”, you say.
This is what God says, “If you love me, obey my commandments”, John 14:15. It’s just that simple.
We know you love each other, but God wants you to put your love for Him first.
When you disobey what God has told you to do, it’s as if you’re saying “God I don’t love you”.
Not only that, anytime you disobey God’s directions there are alwaysconsequences to pay.
These are just a few consequences of having sex before marriage:
Difficulty overcoming guilt, loss of intimacy with God, creation of soul ties, unplanned pregnancy,
sexual transmitted diseases, sometimes leads to other decisions that are not pleasing to God like living together before marriage.

But We’ve Already Had Sex
What Do We Do Now?
Step One. Talk to your fiance’ about your feelings of remorse.
Step TwoPray and ask God to forgive the two of you. The Bible says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us.
Step Three. Jesus told the woman caught in the act of adultery to “go and sin no more” John 8:11. Going forward don’t put yourself in situations that might cause the two of you to fall again. That means you’ll have to set boundaries for touching, kissing, cuddling, etc. But whatever the two of you decide, be committed and stick to it.
Step Four. Consider signing a vow of purity as an outward sign of your commitment and a visible reminder of your promise to God.


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