Herbs and Botanical Ingredients with Beneficial Effects on Blood Sugar Levels in Pre-diabetes

Herbs and Botanical Ingredients with Beneficial Effects on Blood Sugar Levels in Pre-diabetes


Pre-diabetes is a condition with ‘impaired glucose tolerance’. Majority of the cases suffering from pre-diabetes, if not attended, develop type-2 diabetes and type-1 diabetesover time. However, it is possible to halt or reverse the progression of pre-diabetes, or at least delay the development of diabetes by the use of herbs and botanical ingredients which regulate blood sugar levels. Active lifestyle and intake of diabetes preventing herbs can offer pre-diabetics a healthy life. This review summarizes diabetes preventing herbs and botanical ingredients which helps to prevent progression to diabetes without having the side effects to the body unlike the chemicals.


Medicinal plants; Pre-diabetes; Herbs; Blood sugar; Insulin


The health condition in which the level of blood sugar is higher than normal but is not high enough to be categorized as diabetes is medically termed as pre-diabetes. 'Impaired glucose tolerance' is another term to describe the same condition. Prediabetes is considered to be an at risk state, with high chances of developing diabetes. While, prediabetes is commonly an asymptomatic condition, there is always presence of prediabetes before the onset of diabetes. The elevation of blood sugar is a continuum and hence prediabetes cannot be considered an entirely benign condition. Although most people with prediabetes have no symptoms, one might notice extra thirst, peeing a lot more, having blurred vision or extreme fatigue in the prediabetes conditions. Prediabetic condition can be diagnosed by performing one of three different blood tests, the fasting plasma glucose test, the oral glucose tolerance test, or the hemoglobin A1c test.
Pre-diabetes is a condition that affects a significant number of people across the whole globe. Latest research shows that, more than 470 million people will be affected by the condition by 2030 [1]. Majority of the cases suffering from pre-diabetes, if left unattended, develop type-2 diabetes and type-1 diabetes over time. However, it is possible to halt or reverse the progression of pre-diabetes, or at least delay the development of diabetes. People with pre-diabetes are often deficient in vitamins and nutrients that are needed to help the body function properly.Studies have shown that most pre-diabetics are vitamin D deficient. Supplementing with vitamin D can help ensure calcium absorption in the body and can also help control high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.
There has been a great deal of research surrounding diabetes over the years, due to the fact that there are a large number of sufferers worldwide [2]. Patients often struggle to make the necessary lifestyle changes to control blood sugar levels, and current medications have limitations and can have adverse gastrointestinal side effects. Clinical studies and research have often recommended the use of natural or herbal cure for diabetes, rather than relying solely on drugs. Traditional herbs may offer a new option for managing blood sugar levels, either alone or in combination with other treatments. Some of the important herbs in this row include the following.
Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa)
It is commonly called as Queen's flower (Figure 1), pride of India, giant crape-myrtle or queen's crape-myrtle. It belongs to the family Loosestrife. Queen's flower is a deciduous tropical flowering tree growing up to 50 ft. tall, it has smooth rounded, red-orange leaves having higher levels of corosolic acid [3]. It lowers blood sugar levels (hypoglycemic effect), facilitates glucose transport into cells and reduces amount of triglycerides. Tea of the leaves is used against diabetes mellitus and for weight loss. Banaba leaves are able to lower blood sugar due to acid (triterpenoid glycoside) and other phytochemicals. The phytochemicals in the leaves of banaba works at the molecular level by fine-tuning the damaged insulin receptor, which is the cause of insulin resistance.
Figure 1 Banaba (Langerstroemia speciosa).
Glucose uptake-inducing activity of banaba extract was investigated in differentiated adipocytes using a radioactive assay, and the ability of banaba extract to induce differentiation in preadipocytes was examined by Northern and Western blot analyses [4]. Studies on the efficacy and safety of banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa L.) and corosolic acid have been performed and no adverse effects of it have been observed or reported in animal studies or controlled human clinical trials [5]. The hypoglycemic effects of banaba have been attributed to both corosolic acid as well as ellagitannins. Studies have been conducted in various animal models, human subjects, and in vitrosystems using water soluble banaba leaf extracts, corosolic acid, and ellagitannins. Corosolic acid has been reported to decrease blood sugar levels within 60 min in human subjects. Corosolic acid also exhibits antihyperlipidemic and antioxidant activities [4].
Banaba also contains concentrations of dietary fiber and minerals such as magnesium and zinc. It helps the body handling glucose and is as such also effective in weight loss and against obesity. The hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) effect is similar to that of insulin (which induces glucose transport from the blood into body cells). The tea is therapeutic against ailments such as diabetes, kidney and urinary problems.
Bitter melon (Momordica charantia)
It is commonly known as Aampalaya, balsam pear, balsamina, bitter melon, bittergourd or karela (Figure 2). It is a tender perennial, herbaceous tropical vine belonging to the family cucurbitaceae. The fruit is edible when harvested and cooked. Its taste is bitter. Bitter melon has twice the potassium of bananas and is also rich in Vitamin A and C. It has hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar) properties and enhances cell uptake of glucose. It promotes insulin release and potentiates its effect. It also reduces total cholesterol and triglycerides. It was previously demonstrated that oral administration of M. charantia could lead to the secretion of insulin from endocrine pancreatic β cells. This observation was further confirmed by observing the effect of daily oral administration of M. charantia fruit juice and the distribution of α, β and δ cells in the pancreas of STZinduced diabetic rats using immunohistochemical methods [6]. Momordicine II and 3-hydroxycucurbita-5, 24-dien-19-al-7, 23- di-O-β-glucopyranoside, were isolated as saponins from M. charantia. Both compounds showed significant insulin releasing activity in MIN6 β -cells at concentration of 10 and 25 μg/mL. The major compounds that have been isolated from bitter melon and identified as hypoglycemic agents include charantin, polypeptide-p and vicine [6]. Processed bitter gourd in the form of capsules or tablets is commonly advertised and sold. The products are marketed under the brand names Gourdin, Karela, and Glucobetic in Canada, India, the United Kingdom, the United States, and many Asian countries. Products can also be ordered online. However, it is not yet known what dose is safe when taken with other antidiabetic agents, and there is a lack of information on other potential bioactive components of the capsules [7]. There is insufficient evidence on the effects of M. charantia for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Further studies are therefore required to address the issues of standardization and the quality control of preparations. For medical nutritional therapy, further observational trials evaluating the effects of M. charantiaare needed before randomized clinical trials are established to guide any recommendations in clinical practice [8].
Figure 2 Bittermelon (Momordica charantia).
Bitterwood (Quassia amara)
Commonly called as Surinam wood, amargo, bitterwood or quassia wood (Figure 3). Amargo is a small tree, 6 to 18 ft. tall. Amargo is known to control the blood sugar and contains the phytochemical quassin. The findings indicate that Quassia amara extract may be potentially valuable in the treatment of diabetes and associated dyslipidemia [9]. This plant also possesses antileukemic, antitumorous, antibacterial and antifungalproperties. It is used in cases of anorexia nervosa, is effective in chronic diseases of the liver and has anti-malaria activity. However, reproductive toxicity of Quassia amaraextract has also been reported and its action on sperm capaciation and acrosome reaction is documented [10].
Figure 3 Bitter wood (Quassia amara).
Silk cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra)
It is commonly called Kapok tree, silk cotton tree, sumauma or kankantri (Figure 4). It is very large majestic tree, with a conspicuously buttressed trunk. The kapok tree grows more than 200 ft. tall; with widely spreading branches. The silk cotton tree is cultivated for kapok. Oil from the seeds is used in edible products and the ground seeds in animal feed. Ceiba pentandra has hypoglycemiceffect and its bark has been used as a diuretic, aphrodisiac, and to treat headache, as well as type II diabetes. The results of experimental animal study indicated that Ceiba pentandra possesses antidiabetic activity; and thus is capable of ameliorating hyperglycemia in streptozotocin-induced type-2 diabetic rats and is a potential source for isolation of new orally active agent(s) for anti-diabetic therapy [11,12].
Figure 4 Silk Cotton Tree (Ceiba pentandra).
Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum)
It is commonly called as Holy Basil, Tulsi, or Tulasi (Figure 5). Holy Basil is a tropical, much branched, annual herb, upto 18 inches tall, it grows into a low bush. Along with its religious significance, it also has substantial medicinal meaning and is used in Ayurvedic treatment. It may have a positive effect on fasting blood sugar and on blood sugar following meals [13]. The plant plays a role in the management of immunological disorders such as allergies and asthma. The juice of the leaves is used against diabetes and fever. It’s anti-spasmodic properties, relieves abdominal pains and helps in lowering the blood sugar level [13,14].
Indian gooseberry (Eugenia jambolana)
It has common names such as Java plum, jamun, jaman, black plum (Figure 6). The Jamun is an evergreen tropical tree 50 to 100 ft. tall, with fragrant white flowers and purplish-black oval edible berries. The juicy fruit-pulp contains resin, gallic acid and tannin. It has hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar) and antioxidant properties [15]. All parts of the java plum can be used medicinally and it has a long tradition in alternative medicine. The bark has anti-inflammatory activity and is used In India for anemia, the bark and seed for diabetes which reduce the blood sugar level quickly. In laboratory experiments, the oral administration of the extract of jamun pulp increases serum insulin levels. These extracts also inhibited insulinase activity from liver and kidney [16-18]. Studies on gastric mucosal offensive acid-pepsin secretion exhibited antidiabetic and antiulcer effects of extract of Eugenia jambolana seed in mild diabetic rats [19].
Figure 6 Indian gooseberries (Eugenia jambolana).
Shatterstone (Phyllanthus niruri/amarus)
It is commonly called as Child pick-a-back, gulf leafflower, shatterstone, bahupatra or gale of wind (Figure 7). Shatterstone is a common annual weed from the genus Phyllanthus that contains more than 700 species. The plant grows up to 1½ ft. tall and has small yellow flowers.
Figure 7 Shatter stone (Phyllanthus niruri).
The leaf and seed aqueous extract of Phyllanthus amarus have been shown to improves insulin resistance diabetes in experimental animal studies [20] while a single study on aqueous extract of Phyllanthus amarus has demonstrated no effect on blood glucose in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients [21]. The extract of Phyllanthus niruri lowered blood glucose, suppressed postprandial rise in blood glucose following a glucose meal, reduced hemoglobin glycation and increased absolute and relative weights as well as glycogen content of liver in diabetic rats [22]. They are anti-hepatotoxic (liver protecting), antibacterial and hypoglycemic. Other applications are against inflammation of the appendix and for prostate problems. An interesting aspect is the use of this plant for weight loss (slimming down).
Ponkoranti (Salacia oblonga/Salacia reticulata)
It is commonly known as Saptrangi or Ponkoranti (Figure 8). It is a woody plant found in the forests of Srilanka and India. The roots and stems of Salacia oblonga for diabetes treatment have been used extensively in Ayurveda and traditional Indian Medicine for the treatment for diabetes.
Figure 8 Ponkoranti (Salacia oblonga).
It as an effective anti-diabetic and weight control agent. Our body naturally has alpha-glucosidase enzyme which break downs oligosaccharides into monosaccharides like glucose. The extract from S. oblonga binds to this enzyme and inhibits it. Because of this inhibition, glucose is not released into the blood stream. In a doubleblind Placebo-controlled, randomized trial, it was demonstrated that Salacia reticulataimproves serum lipid profiles and glycemic control in patients with prediabetes and mild to moderate hyperlipidemia [23]. This herbal medicine for diabetes treatment is well proved and is very successful in giving a solution for the same.
Ivy gourd (Coccinia indica, Coccinia cordifoliaor Coccinia grandis)
It is known by several names; Calabacita, Calabaza Hiedra, Courge Écarlate, Kovai, Little Gourd, Tela Kucha, baby watermelon, little gourd, gentleman's toes or Tindola (Figure 9). Ivy gourd is a tropical plant used as vegetable and grown wildly throughout the Indian sub-continent. Ivy plant has been used in traditional medicine as a household remedy for various diseases. Ivy gourd can help regulate blood sugar levels and, in turn, prevent or treat diabetes. Anti-inflammatory,antioxidant, antimutagenic, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antiulcer, hepatoprotective, expectorants, analgesic are the reported pharmacological activities of ivy gourd [24]. Extracts of the ivy gourd's roots, fruit, and leaves are said to offer a range of health benefits. People take ivy gourd for diabetes, gonorrhoea, and constipation. Its fruits have also been used to treat leprosy, fever, asthma, bronchitis and jaundice.
Figure 9 Ivy gourds (Coccinia indica).
Aloe vera and Aloe barbadensis
Aloe, a popular houseplant, has a long history as a multipurpose folk remedy. The plant can be separated into two basic products: dried juice from the leaf and aloe gel. Latex from per cyclic cells obtained beneath the skin of leaves may be evaporated to form a sticky substance known as “drug aloes” or “aloe” (Figure 10).This aloe juice contains the cathartic anthraquinone, barbaloin, a glucoside of aloe-emodin, as well as other substances. Aloe gel is obtained from the inner portion of the leaves. It does not contain anthraquinones but does contain a polysaccharide, glucomannan, which is similar to guar gum. Aloe gel is used topically, but it has also been used orally for diabetes.
Figure 10 Aloe vera.
Although Aloe vera gel is better known as a home remedy for minor burns and other skin conditions, recent animal studies suggest that Aloe vera gel may help people with diabetes. A Japanese study evaluated the effect of Aloe vera gel on blood sugar. Researchers isolated a number of active phytosterol compounds from the gel that were found to reduce blood glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin levels [25].
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
Fenugreek is an herb found all over India and its seeds are usually used as one of the major constituents of Indian spices. Fenugreek, (Figure 11) a member of the legume family, has a bitter, maplelike taste.
Figure 11 Trigonella foenum-graecum.
Fenugreek is used to treat numerous health problems, including insulin resistance, diabetes, poor appetite, inflammation, digestive problems and menopausal symptoms. 4-hydroxyleucine, a novel amino acid from fenugreek seeds increases glucose stimulated insulin release. In animal experiments, it has been shown that oral administration of plant extract decreased the blood glucose levels. Administration of fenugreek seeds improved glucose metabolism and reduced hepatic and renal glucose-6- phosphatase and fructose−1, 6-biphosphatase activity [26].
Chemical constituents of the plant include saponins, many of which are glycosides of diosgenin. The seeds also contain the alkaloids trigonelline, gentianine, and carpaine compounds. Other components of the seeds include several C-glycosides. The seeds contain up to 50% mucilaginous fibre. Other seed constituents include 4-hydroxyisoleucine, an amino acid, and fenugreekine. Fenugreek is thought to delay gastric emptying, slow carbohydrate absorption, and inhibit glucose transport. It has been shown to increase erythrocyte insulin receptors and improve peripheral glucose utilization, thus showing potential pancreatic as well as extrapancreatic effects [27]. Various components of the seeds have varying activities. For example, the component called fenugreekine, a steroidal sapogenin peptide ester, may have hypoglycaemic properties. Trigonelline, another component, may exert hypoglycaemic effects in healthy patients without diabetes, but other studies have shown that fenugreek has no effect on fasting or postprandial blood glucose levels in nondiabetic subjects [28]. There are however studies which exhibit that fenugreek may have side effects in infants of nursing mothers who use this substance.
Since fenugreek is a member of the Leguminosae family, which includes peanuts, it is theoretically possible for someone with a peanut allergy to react to fenugreek [29]. However, this reaction has never been reported.
Garlic (Allium sativum)
It is a bulbous perennial herb (Figure 12) that grows up to 1.2 m (4 ft.) in height. It produces hermaphrodite flowers.
Figure 12 Garlic (Allium sativum).
Allicin, a sulfur-containing compound is responsible for its pungent odour and it has been shown to have significant hypoglycaemic activity. This effect is thought to be due to increased hepatic metabolism, increased insulin release from pancreatic beta cells and/or insulin sparing effect [30]. Several other researches including studies on effect of garlic extract on blood glucose levels and lipid profiles in streptozotocin/alloxan-induced diabetic rats, alloxan diabetic rabbits have exhibited its antidiabetic activity [31-33]. Apart from this, Allium sativum exhibits antimicrobial, anticancer and cardio protective activities also.



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