Amazon Offers $25 Gift Cards For 3D Entire Body Scan

Amazon is offering users $25 gift cards in exchange for its 3D Scanner to scan your entire body, Techmachos Reports.

The Ecommerce giant is conducting a study at its office as part of a test that seeks to 'learn about diversity among body shapes,' according to a listing, which was first spotted by Mashable.

Participants who set up a 30-minute appointment will be asked to take a survey and agree to have 3D scans, photos and videos taken of them.

The move comes as Amazon has faced privacy concerns around its collection of data from Echo devices, as well as the deployment of its controversial facial recognition software.

Scans will be taken in both their 'everyday clothing,' as well as 'form-fitting' garments, which for women might include a bikini or form-fitting shorts and a sports bra, the listing states.

Participants' height and weight measurements will also be taken during each session.

Amazon said any data collected from participants will 'be used exclusively for internal product research.'


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